Hardware NVRAM Initialization
Issue 1 July 2006 209
Figure 37: Location of the NVRAM INIT Jumpers
3. Insert the X360STK module into the C360 switch where you wish to perform the NVRAM
initialization. Refer to Installing the X360STK Stacking Module for further information.
Tip: Refer to the Reference Guide for the Avaya C360 Converged Stackable Switch,
10-300506 for further information on the NVRAM initialization
4. The NVRAM initialization process starts. When you receive a CLI message on to remove
the module, you can remove the X360STK from the switch.
5. Remove the bridge from the NVRAM INIT jumper and return it to the SPARE JUMPER.
Important: You must remove the bridge from the NVRAM INIT jumper before you can use
the X360STK as a stacking module.
Figure notes:
2. NVRAM INIT Jumper