•24-bit color and 36-bit color images are expressed in varying values of each color: red, green and blue (RGB). 24-bit color images are expressed in 256 colors per RGB channel. 36-bit color images use 4096 colors. Use the 24-bit color setting for most images unless you require particularly fine color definition.

Step 2 • Scanning

24-bit color and 36-bit color images are expressed in varying values of each color: red, green and blue (RGB). 24-bit color images are expressed in 256 colors per RGB channel. 36-bit color images use 4096 colors. Use the 24-bit color setting for most images unless you require particularly fine color definition.

Grayscale images are expressed in black, white or varying tones of gray. 8- bit grayscale images are expressed in 256 tones. 12-bit grayscale images use 4096 tones.

Black and white images are expressed in just two colors, white or black. The threshold value determines the brightness value at which a particular pixel is set to black or white.


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Canon FS 3.6 manual