When you have finished recording
1Make sure that the ACCESS indicator is off.
2Turn off the camcorder.
3Close the LCD panel.
About Dual Shot
° Only the following funct ons are avanaole in | mode. |
-Zoom !l_ 46).
-QUICKStart (El:3 47!
-Video snapsnot I_ 69).
-Face detection (1_ 67) to get beautiful shots of PedDle every time. tracKing tne suqect even _ the oerson moves.
-Touch & Track (1_ 68) to tracK diner moving SuDJecIs, Keening them in focus and using [ne oesI semngs _o record [nem.
About the Smart AUTO mode
When shooting in mode, the camcorder will automatically detect certain characteristics of the subject, background, lighting conditions, etc. It will then adjust various settings (focus, exposure, color, image stabilization, image quality, among others), selecting the best settings for the scene you want to shoot. The Smart AUTO mode icon will change to one of the following icons.
Dual Shot Mode * 43