Remot e UI Funct ions

Operating the Machine from a Computer (Remote UI)

To Operate the Machine from Your desk

For more in formatio n, see the Remote U I Guide.
The Remote UI enabl es you to c ontrol fu nctions , such as confirmi ng the st atus of th e machine , and job
operation s, all fro m your PC ’s web brows er. For more informat ion, see t he Remote UI Guide .
Enter the I P address of the ma chine int o the Web
browser on your comp uter to ac cess the Remote UI .
* The IP address in the above screenshot is fictit ious. Ask your
system administrator for the IP address of you r machine.
You can per form vario us funct ions from the Remot e
UI, such a s editin g the Addr ess Book .
* The Remote UI function is available only i f the optional UFR ll Printer Driver is ins talled.
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