Field Test Unit Software
The STARLOG FTU Software Package Model 6302A consists of a cassette tape, a memory chip (6264LP) and this manual.
The Field Test Unit (FTU) (Canon
The following programs are not loaded into the RAM file but are stored on the cassette tape which is included as part of the STARLOG FTU Software Package:-
FTUC | Provides | interrogation and testing of the Data Logger in |
| the field. |
LOAD | Lead programs into the Data Logger, Unload recorded | |
| information from the Data Logger. | |
COPY | Transfer Data Logger information between FI’U RAM, | |
| cassette | tape or |
PLOT | Print or | Plot Data Logger recorded information. |
PLOTX | As above plus extended features such as plot averaging, | |
| maxima, minima and total calculations. |
2.1.1 Filename Extensions
Files saved in the FTU RAM directory will have the following file exten- sions:-
“D” | means a Data File or Logger Program | ||
“P” | means | a | Program FiIe written in BASIC |
“F” | means | a | Command File |
The Field Test Unit comes complete with a 16k RAM which is sufficient to operate all UNIDATA supplied software. The FTU RAM may be ex- panded to 24k with an 8k memory card.
Section 2. GETTING STARTED | 5 |