Canon SX20 manual Selecting a Screen Mode Selecting a Menu Position

Models: SX20

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Selecting a Screen Mode (2)

Selecting a Menu Position

Select a screen mode according to the size of the image to be projected.

You can select the position of the menu displayed on the screen.

Display settings

Screen settings

Display settings

Menu position



The screen mode is automat- ically switched between [Nor- mal] and [Wide Screen] depending on the image from the AV equipment. This item is displayed when Compo- nent Input is selected to allow you to select it.

An image is projected at a 16:9 (W:H) aspect ratio (wide screen size).

An image is projected at a 4:3 (W:H) aspect ratio (nor- mal screen size).

The upper, lower, left, and/or right portions of a projected image may be missing depending on the selected display mode.

Using [^], [<], [>], and [v] buttons, move the menu position.

When the menu position is determined, press the [OK] button (the menu will disappear 30 seconds later if no button is pressed).

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Canon SX20 manual Selecting a Screen Mode Selecting a Menu Position