Canon SX20 manual Select the item you want to set Make a setting, Selecting from the Menu

Models: SX20

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3Select the item you want to set.

4Make a setting.

Make an adjustment or choice.

Select an item from the menu, make an adjustment using the slide bar, or make a setting in a different window accord- ing to the purpose of setting.

5Press the [OK] button. The setting takes effect.

Some menu items take effect at the

time they are selected and some take effect when the [OK] button is pressed.

Selecting from the Menu

(Example: Screen setup)

Making an Adjustment Using the Slide Bar

(Example : Adjustment of Contrast)

6 When you finished setting the selected item, press the [MENU] button.

The menu disappears.

Making a Setting in a Different Window

(Example : Registration of User Logo)



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Canon SX20 Select the item you want to set Make a setting, Selecting from the Menu, Making a Setting in a Different Window