Canon SX20 manual Setting a Password, Setting up the Remote Control

Models: SX20

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Setting a Password

Setting up the Remote Control

Set a password in the projector. Once the password is set, you will need to enter the password each time you turn on the projector.

When you use two projectors at the same time, change the channel settings to prevent the two remote controls from interfering with each other.

System settings

Password settings

System settings

Remote control




The password function is not




The password function is




• Once a password is set in the projector, a password entry screen appears at power-on. Enter a 4- digit password using [^], [v], [<], and [>] buttons. If the password is valid, projection starts. If you enter a wrong password three times, the projector will be turned off.

To cancel the password, remove the power plug from the AC outlet after completion of projection, and then insert the power plug in the AC outlet with the [MENU] button pressed.

Ch1 Select the channel on the

Ch2 projector you use, and then

press the [OK] button.

Selecting a Channel for the Remote Control

While pressing the [OK] button on the remote control, press the [LIGHT] button for 3 seconds.

Pressing the two buttons allows you to switch between CH1 (the button flashes once) and CH2 (the button flashes twice).

• When setting a channel, be sure to set the same channel for either control (remote control or top control). Set a different channel for the other pair.

When performing menu operation using the remote control, changing the channel by pressing the [OK] button will prevent you for using the remote control.

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Canon SX20 manual Setting a Password, Setting up the Remote Control