Canon SX20 manual Displaying a Logo Projector on

Models: SX20

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Displaying a Logo (Projector on)

When Ceiling- mounted or for Rear Projection

A logo can be displayed from the moment the projector is turned on to the moment it is ready for projection.

Make this setting when the projector is hung from the ceiling or it projects an image on a transmissive screen.

Display settings

User screen settings

Projector on

Display settings

Image flip H/V

An image is projected normally.

Canon logo


User logo

The factory-captured Canon logo is displayed.

An image is projected imme- diately after the projector is turned on.

The logo captured on the “Logo capture” screen is dis- played.









Select this when projecting an image



















with the projector hung from the










ceiling. An image is projected with it



















inverted vertically.










Select this when projecting an image

























from behind the screen. An image is

















projected with it inverted horizontally.


















Select this when projecting an image from


















behind the screen with the projector hung


























from the ceiling. An image is projected

















with it inverted vertically and horizontally.






When hanging the projector from the ceiling,






optional brackets are required. Contact your











Canon dealer.










”User logo” cannot be selected when no logo has been captured.

None (Normal image) Ceiling mounted





Rear, Ceiling mounted





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Canon SX20 manual Displaying a Logo Projector on