1 | 2 |
| 3 | 4 | 5 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1Track number
Shows the track number of the current track.
2Track name, artist name, playback time, volume level
•Shows the ID3 tag (ID3V1), which is the track name and artist name (alphabetic characters only), contained in the file.
•During fast forward and fast reverse, shows the elapsed play time.
•During volume level adjustment, shows the current vol- ume level.
3Playback status indicator
This icon indicates the current playback status.
This type of icon: | Indicates this: |
Rotation clockwise while flashing | Playback is in progress. |
Flashing | Playback is paused. |
Steady and unmoving | Playback is stopped. |
4Playback mode indicator
This icon indicates the playback mode.
This type of icon: | Indicates this: |
Off | Normal playback |
| All track repeat |
| |
5Battery level indicator