General Guide

This manual uses the numbers and names below to refer to buttons and controllers.


3K1 through K4 knobs

4S1 slider

5S2 slider

6S3 slider

7S4 slider

8S5 slider

9S6 slider

bk P (POWER) button bl VOLUME controller bm SYS SETTING button bn ARPEGGIO button bo PIANO button

bp ELEC PIANO button bq ORGAN button

br STRINGS/BRASS button bs GUITAR/BASS button bt SYNTH/VARIOUS button ck DRUMS button

cl HEX LAYER button cm EFFECT, SONG button cn DSP, REW buttonco SYSTEM, FF buttoncp MASTER, PAUSE button cq PHRASE buttoncr START/STOP button cs RECORD button ct TEMPO, TAP button
dk ZONE/PART/STEP/TRACK, –/+ buttons


dl BANK, INITIALIZE button dm 0, DELETE buttondn 1, INSERT button do 2 button

dp 3 button dq 4 button dr EXIT button ds 5, u button dt 6, w button ek 7, q button el 8, i button

em 9, ENTER button en NUM KEY button eo –/NO, +/YES buttons ep EDIT buttoneq WRITE buttoner AUDIO RECORDER, MEDIA button es USB flash drive portet USB portfk DAMPER/PEDAL1, PEDAL2 jacks fl MIDI OUT/THRU, IN terminalsfm LINE OUT R, L/MONO jacks fn DC 12V terminalfo LINE IN R, L/MONO jacks fp PHONES jacksfq AUDIO IN jack
