Christie Digital Systems CSP70 user manual Connecting Multiple, Projectors

Models: CSP70

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Section 2: Installation and Setup

CONNECTING TO A PC: If you are connecting the Ethernet port directly to a PC (rather than a network or hub), make sure to use a crossover Ethernet cable. Keep in mind that an Ethernet link cannot be used for downloading a software upgrade to the projector—use RS232.

Figure 2.7.


Upon connection to an Ethernet network, the projector’s factory default IP address of will automatically enable the DHCP function (if available on the network) to


assign a new IP address that is valid and unique for that network. Or, if there is no


DHCP function available on the network (or if a specific static IP address for the


projector is preferred or required), you can set the address in the Ethernet Settings


menu or via an ASCII serial command.


Regardless of how it is assigned, once a projector has a valid and unique address it


will respond to commands sent to this address. To determine the projector’s current IP


address, consult the Status or Communications menus.


Refer to Section 3 for further information about setting up and using a projector


connected via Ethernet.

Connecting Multiple

' RS-232 NETWORK: If you want to connect multiple projectors in a network with serial


communication, connect the controlling source to the RS232 IN connector of the first


projector in the network. Then take another serial communication cable and connect


one end to the RS232 OUT connector and the other end to the RS232 IN connector of


the next projector. Continue this pattern of connection with all projectors in the


network. The last projector in the network will only have a connection to the RS232


IN connector. See Figure 2.8.

2-6 RPMSP & CSP70-D100U User’s Manual

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Christie Digital Systems CSP70 user manual Connecting Multiple, Projectors