Christie Digital Systems CSP70 user manual Part Description Frequency How to clean

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Section 4: Maintenance

Table 4.1. Maintenance Guide

Part Description


How to clean





As required

Clean if absolutely necessary. A small



amount of dust on the lens has very little



affect on picture quality.



To clean: Apply a solvent such as Acetone,



Alcohol or Vinegar sparingly to clean, lint-



free lens tissue. Wipe in single sweep across



the surface of the lens. Do not scrub or rub



tissue in circular motion, this will scratch the



lens. Do not reuse tissue. Do not use cleaning



tools treated with Ether. If particles still



appear on the lens, try using compressed air



to remove.




Lamp (cleaning)

Clean as required

Clean if absolutely necessary. Never touch



the glass surface of the lamp. Any oil (left by



fingerprints) will seriously degrade lamp



performance or cause “hotspots” which can



lead to an accumulation of intense heat in the



touched area and cause the lamp to shatter.



To clean: Wait until lamp is cool. Moisten a



clean, lint-free cotton cloth with isopropyl



alcohol and gently rub the surface of the



glass in a circular motion until clean.




Lamp (replacement)

As required

Since the projector can be operated in several



lamp modes – lamp replacement intervals



may vary. If you notice a significant change



in the projector’s performance over a short



period of time check the lamp hours and



status of your lamps. See “Lamp



Replacement” later in this section for more



details and a complete procedure on lamp








As required

Remove dust and debris using a clean. lint-



free cloth.




Exterior Module

As required

Clean dust from external module covers



using a clean, lint free cotton cloth as



required. NOTE: Before cleaning the



modules, it is recommended that you install



the lens cap. This will keep dust particles



from settling on the glass surface of the lens.




4-4 RPMSP & CSP70-D100U User’s Manual

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Christie Digital Systems CSP70 user manual Part Description Frequency How to clean