Christie Digital Systems CSP70 Using Inputs and Channels, Do I Select an Input, Or a Channel?

Models: CSP70

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Section 3: Operation

Editing Numerical Values ' Enter numbers directly from the keypad in order to specify numbers representing projectors, channels (source setups), or slots. As each digit is entered, it is displayed and the cursor moves on. Note that channel numbers are defined with 2 digits—for example, if you enter only a single digit (such as “7”) for a channel number, the channel will automatically be defined as “07”. Enter “07” to utilize this channel.

3.4Using Inputs and Channels

NOTES: 1) Once you enter the first digit, this digit replaces all old digits. 2) If you press any non-numbered key, the number entered up to that point is accepted and updated as the new value. 3) Press Exit to cancel editing of numerical values.

NOTE: See Section 2, Installation and Setup, for a full explanation of how to connect sources to the projector.

The projector stores and automatically recalls up to 50 different channels (source setups) for a variety of inputs. This memory feature allows you to define and conveniently use a wide variety of customized setups rather than having to repeatedly re-configure the projector for different presentations. Depending on what you have defined, each physical source connection (i.e., input at the projector) can have several different channels associated with it.

Do I Select an Input

' INPUT – An input is a source physically connected at the projector. Input 1 , Input 2 , Input 3 ,

Or a Channel?

Input 4 , or Input 5 describes the source signal according to which input slot it is connected.

SWITCH TO AN INPUT IN EITHER ONE OF TWO WAYS – Pressing the appropriate direct

key — Input 1 , Input 2 , Input 3 , Input 4 , or Input 5 — is a quick and seamless way to display from one of the five inputs connected to the projector. Or, if the “Numbers Select Main Image” option found in the PIP menu is enabled, press numbers 1-5 on the keypad. With either method, the image will be displayed according to the following:

If it is the first time you have used the source/input (or if you used the input but did not define a channel by adjusting anything), the projector will recognize the new input signal based on its frequencies and polarities, and will automatically display an image according to default settings for such a signal. In general, the default fills the screen as fully as possible. This and other default image settings depend on the incoming source.

If you used the source once before and changed a display parameter such as contrast, V-Position, etc., then a channel was automatically created and still exists in projector memory (see below).

If more than one channel exists for the input, the image will be displayed according to the setup parameters for the first channel with matching characteristics.

If PIP is enabled, an input key changes the PIP (secondary) image only. To switch the main input, use the keypad number keys with “Numbers Select Main Image” activated.

NOTES: 1) For more information on Numbers to Select Main Image, see 3.7,

Working with PIP or Seamless Switching.

3-12 RPMSP & CSP70-D100U User’s Manual

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Christie Digital Systems CSP70 user manual Using Inputs and Channels, Do I Select an Input, Or a Channel?