Christie Digital Systems CSP70 user manual About the Auxiliary Fan Connector

Models: CSP70

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Appendix D

Auxiliary Fan Connector

About the Auxiliary Fan Connector

The auxiliary fan connector, located on the rear input panel of the Electronics Module, allows you to connect a separate external cooling fan to the projector. This extra fan may be useful and necessary in applications where the projector is mounted within an enclosure and more airflow is required.

To use this fan, send the commands listed below through the serial command interface. By sending these commands the fan will automatically be turned on or off whenever the projector is turned on or off.

(RTE S 1 1

"(DGN 4 4



turn fan on upon projector power up

(RTE S 1 0

"(DGN 4 4



turn fan off when projector powers down

Send the following commands if you no longer require the fan to function in this manner:

(RTE ?0)

ask for list of all RTE commands

(RTE X *)

delete all RTE entries

(RTE X 1)

to delete entry one (where Number = delete


the event with the given number from list)

NOTE: Refer to the Serial Communications document on the Christie website for other RTE information.

Figure D-1 Auxiliary Connector Pin Out Details

RPMSP & CSP70-D100U User’s Manual D-1

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Christie Digital Systems CSP70 user manual About the Auxiliary Fan Connector