Christie Digital Systems CSP70 user manual Copying or, Deleting Channels

Models: CSP70

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Section 3: Operation

Table 3.2. Abbreviations for Signal Type






Signal Type







Composite (4 wire) on HC input






Composite (4 wire) on V input













Separate H,V







Separate H,V swapped












Composite Video









FUNCTIONS WITHIN THE CHANNEL SETUP MENU To copy, delete or edit a channel,

highlight the desired channel in the Channel Setup menu and do one of two things:

Press Func if you want to copy the selected channel or delete this or other channels. See Copying or Deleting a Channel below.

Press if you want to edit channel setups (i.e., non-image related parameters) for the selected channel. See Editing a Channel Setup, below.

Copying or

' TO COPY A CHANNEL, highlight the desired channel in the Channel Setup menu, then

Deleting Channels

press Func to go to the Channel Copy/Delete submenu. Select “Copy” and press


—a new channel will be created. It is identical to original, which still remains,


but it is identified with the next available number from 01-50. If you change your


mind and do not want to copy the current channel, press Exit to cancel and return to


the previous menu. Copying channels is a quick method for creating numerous


channels, each of which can then be edited and adjusted for a variety of presentations


in the future.

Figure 3.7. Copying A Channel

TO DELETE A CHANNEL, highlight the desired channel in the Channel Setup menu, then press Func to activate the Channel Copy/Delete submenu. Select “Delete” and

press —a confirmation window will appear to make sure that you really want to delete this channel.

RPMSP & CSP70-D100U User’s Manual 3-15

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Christie Digital Systems CSP70 user manual Copying or, Deleting Channels