Christie Digital Systems CSP70 user manual

Models: CSP70

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Section 3: Operation

When using PIP images, use key to adjust the other image.

Once selected, change the settings as desired (see below). Changes take effect immediately and are saved upon exit from all menus, or after 15 minutes.

Slidebars in menus – The current value for a given parameter, such as size or vertical stretch, appears to the left of its slidebar icon (adjustment window). This number often expresses a percentage, or it may have units associated with it (such as pixels, degrees Kelvin, etc.), depending on the

specific option. Press to gradually adjust the setting up or down—both the number and the length of the bar change accordingly. Hold for continuous adjustment.

Or press

to activate a slidebar text box for specific number entry via the keypad,

then press

to save (or press Exit to cancel).

“Direct” slidebars - For quick access, you access Gamma, Brightness, and Contrast slidebars without traveling the menu system. For example, simply press Cont to immediately display the same contrast slidebar accessed with the Contrast option in the Image Settings menu.

Use the arrow keys to adjust a direct slidebar, or press

and enter a specific

number from the keypad, then



to save (or Exit to cancel). When

you are done, press Exit to return to your presentation.


NOTES: 1) You can still adjust a direct slidebar as usual if the display is turned off (see OSD or Menu Preferences menu) — the slidebar just won’t be visible. 2) A direct slidebar disappears if it is not used within 5 seconds.

Checkboxes - Conditions are present if its adjacent

checkbox contains a checkmark. To toggle the checkbox,

simply highlight and press , or highlight and use

to check and to uncheck. If a checkbox is numbered, simply enter its number to immediately toggle the checkbox.

Pull-down lists – To see a pull-down list of options available for a given parameter labeled with a , you can:

Highlight it and press (Enter)

Or enter the menu option number.

Use or keys to navigate up and down within the list (the current choice is

noted with a small '). Press to choose an option from the list, if desired.

3-10 RPMSP & CSP70-D100U User’s Manual

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Christie Digital Systems CSP70 user manual