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Cisco MDS 9000 Family Fabric Manager Configuration Guide
OL-6965-03, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 2.x
Chapter 34 Third-Party Integration
Configuring RMON Using Threshold Manager

Viewing the SNMP Events Log

To view the SNMP events log from the Device Manager, choose Logs > Events > Current or Logs >
Events > Older. You see the Events Log dialog box with a log of events for a single switch.
Note The MDS syslog manager must be set up before you can view the event logs.
Caution Changing these values from different Fabric Manager workstations at the same time may cause
unpredictable results.

Configuring RMON Using Threshold Manager

The RMON-MIB, as defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), provides the Alarm, Log,
and Events groups for monitoring appropriate statistics on the switch. The Threshold Manager in the
Device Manager uses RMON in the switch to provide threshold monitoring for select statistics.
The Threshold Monitor allows you to trigger an SNMP event or log a message when the selected statistic
goes over a configured threshold value. RMON calls this a rising alarm threshold. The configurable
settings are:
Variable—The statistic you want to set the threshold value on.
Value—The value of the variable that you want the alarm to trigger at. This value is the difference
(delta) between two consecutive polls of the variable by Device Manager.
Sample—The sample period (in seconds) between two consecutive polls of the variable. Select your
sample period such that the variable would not cross the threshold value you set under normal
operating conditions.
Warning—The warning level used by Device Manager to indicate the severity of the triggered alarm.
This is a Fabric Manager and Device Manager enhancement to RMON.
Note To configure any type of RMON alarm (absolute or delta, rising or falling threshold) click More on the
Threshold Manager dialog box. You should be familiar with how RMON defines these concepts before
configuring these advanced alarm types. Refer to the RMON-MIB (RFC 2819) for information on how
to configure RMON alarms.

Enabling RMON Alarms by Port

To configure an RMON alarm for one or more ports from the Device Manager, follow these steps:
Step 1 Choose Admin > Events > Threshold Manager and click the FC Interfaces tab.
Step 2 Click the Selected radio button to select individual ports for this threshold alarm.
a. Click ... to the right of the Selected field to display all ports.
b. Choose the ports you want to monitor.
c. Click OK to accept the selection.