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Cisco MDS 9000 Family Fabric Manager Configuration Guide
OL-6965-03, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 2.x
Chapter 3 Fabric Manager Client
Using Fabric Manager Client
Information Pane
The Information pane displays tables of information associated with the option selected from the menu
tree in the Logical Domains or Physical Attributes panes. The Information pane toolbar provides buttons
for performing one or more of the operations shown in Table 3-3.
Launch IP-ACL wizard.
Launch License Install wizard.
Launch Software Install wizard.
Perform switch health analysis.
Perform fabric configuration analysis.
Perform end-to-end connectivity analysis.
Monitor ISL performance.
Show on-line help.
Table 3-2 Fabric Manager Client Main Toolbar (continued)
Icon Description
Table 3-3 Information Pane Toolbar
Icon Description
Apply Changes Applies configuration changes.
Refresh Values Refreshes table values.
Create Row Opens the appropriate dialog box to create a new
row in the table.