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Cisco MDS 9000 Family Fabric Manager Configuration Guide
OL-6965-03, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 2.x
Chapter 36 Management Software Troubleshooting
linkFailLIPF8Rcvd Link failure due to F8 LIP received.
linkFailLIPRcvdB2B Link failure when loop initialization (LIP)
operation fails due to non empty receive queue.
linkFailLossOfSignal Link failure due to loss of signal.
linkFailLossOfSync Link failure due to loss of sync.
linkFailLRRcvdB2B Link failure when link reset (LR) operation fails
due to non-empty receive queue.
linkFailNOSRcvd Link failure due to non-operational sequences
linkFailOLSRcvd Link failure due to offline sequences received.
linkFailOPNyRETB2B Link failure due to open primitive signal returned
while receive queue not empty.
linkFailOPNyTMOB2B Link failure due to open primitive signal timeout
while receive queue not empty.
linkFailPortInitFail Link failure due to port initialization failure.
linkFailPortUnusable Link failure due to port unusable.
linkFailRxQOverFlow Link failure due to receive queue overflow.
linkFailTooManyINTR Link failure due to excessive port interrupts.
linkFailure Physical link failure.
loopbackDiagFailure Loopback diagnostics failure.
loopbackIsolation Port is connected to another port in the same
noCommonVsanIsolation Trunk is isolated because there are no common
vsans with peer.
none No failure.
nonParticipating During loop initialization, the port is not allowed
to participate in loop operations
offline Physical link is in offline state as defined in the
FC-FS standards.
ohmsExtLBTest Link suspended due to external loopback
diagnostics failure.
other Undefined reason.
parentDown The physical port to which this interface is bound
is down.
peerFCIPPortClosedConnection Port went down because peer FCIP port closed
TCP connection.
peerFCIPPortResetConnection Port went down because the TCP connection was
reset by the peer FCIP port.
portBindFailure Port got isolated due to port bind failure.
portBlocked Port blocked due to FICON.
Table 36-2 Device Manager Tooltip Definitions (continued)
Tooltip Definition