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Cisco MDS 9000 Family Fabric Manager Configuration Guide
OL-6965-03, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 2.x
Chapter 4 Device Manager
Using Device Manager
•SD—Span Destination
•CU—Control Unit
Note For a detailed table describing the legend, see the “There is a red/orange/dotted line through the switch.
What’s wrong?” section on page 36-14.
Supervisor and Switching Modules
In the Device View, you can right-click on an object and get information on it, or configure it. If you
right-click on a module, the menu shows the module number and gives you the option to configure or
reset the module. If you right-click on a port, the menu shows the port number and gives you the option
to configure, monitor, enable ,disable, set beacon mode, or perform diagnostics on the port.
Tip You can select multiple ports in Device Manager and apply options to all the selected ports at one time.
Either select the ports by clicking the mouse and dragging it around them, or hold down the Control key
and click on each port.
To enable or disable a port, right-click the port and click Enable or Disable from the pop-up menu. To
enable or disable multiple ports, drag the mouse to select the ports and then right-click the selected ports.
Then click Enable or Disable from the pop-up menu.
To manage trunking on one or more ports, right-click the ports and click Configure. In the dialog box
that appears, right-click the current value in the Trunk column and click nonTrunk, trunk, or auto from
the pull-down list.
To create PortChannels using Device Manager, click PortChannels from the Interface menu. For
detailed instructions, see Chapter 17, “PortChannel Configuration.” You can also use Fabric Manager to
conveniently create a PortChannel.
Note To create a PortChannel, all the ports on both ends of the link must have the same port speed, trunking
type, and administrative state.
Context Menus
Context menus are available in both Device Manager views by right-clicking on a device or table.
From Device View:
•Device—Right-click a system, module, or power supply to bring up a menu that gives you the option
to configure or reset the device.
•Port— Right-click a port to bring up a menu that shows you the number of the port you have clicked,
and to give you the option to configure, monitor, enable, disable, set beacon mode, or perform
diagnostics on the port.