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Cisco MDS 9000 Family Fabric Manager Configuration Guide
OL-6965-03, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 2.x
Chapter 36 Management Software Troubleshooting
Windows Issues
Windows XP hangs (or blue screen). What do I do?
Windows XP with the ATI Radeon AGP graphics cards has known to freeze (hang) when a Java
application exits. The newer drivers from ATI seem to have fixed this problem. The other workaround is
to run the application with "-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true". We do this today in the shortcut and shell
scripts we create. For more details refer to:
Why do the Device Manager icons disappear sometimes?
On certain versions of Windows, certain images disappear. This is a Java bug. We have a workaround
that is already in place (disable DirectDraw acceleration) - but there are still cases where this problem
might arise. For more details refer to:
Why does Fabric Manager hang when I drag an existing zone member to a
When dragging a zone member to a zone (where that member is already present) you get an error
message saying the zone member is already present and the application freezes. This is a Sun Java bug,
and the problem is seen with JRE versions earlier than 1.4.2. For more details refer to Use a Sun JRE with version
1.4.2 or later where this problem does not occur.
Device Manager or Fabric Manager window content disappears in Windows
Device Manager or Fabric Manager main window content disappears in Windows XP due to a Java bug.
Refer to the following website:
Minimize or maximize the window and restore to the normal size to restore the window content.
Disabling Direct Draw may also prevent this from happening by adding "-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true"
to JVMARGS in <FM-install-dir>/bin/FabricManager.bat and DeviceManager.bat
Why does SCP/SFTP fail when I try to copy a file from my local machine to the
If there are embedded spaces in the file path, then windows scp/sftp might fail. You will get a
copyDeviceBusy error from the switch. In tools such as the License Wizard either make sure tftp copy
can be done or pick filenames with no spaces.