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Cisco MDS 9000 Family Fabric Manager Configuration Guide
OL-6965-03, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 2.x
Chapter 36 Management Software Troubleshooting
Installation Issues

How do I install Java Web Start on a UNIX machine?

If you are using UNIX (Linux, Solaris) the Sun JRE 1.4.0 and 1.4.1 does not automatically install Java
Web Start. However, the Web Start zip file is bundled with the JRE.
To install Java Web Start, follow these steps:
Step 1 In the directory where you have installed the JRE, there is a Java Web Start zip file (it is named
something like
Step 2 Unzip this file and run the script.
You are prompted to enter the path to the java installation.
Step 3 Update the mime-type settings for users. This can be done for all users.
# /etc/mime.types should contain the line
type=application/x-java-jnlp-file desc="Java Web Start" exts="jnlp"
# /etc/mailcap should contain the line
application/x-java-jnlp-file; /javaws %s
To install for individual users add the lines to $HOME/.mime.types and $HOME/mailcap.

Why can’t I launch Fabric Manager on Solaris?

If you are using Solaris 2.8 and are logged in as root and are using Netscape Navigator 6, you will not
be able to register the mime-type. Regular users can register the mime-type with Netscape Navigator 6
by manually adding it. Netscape 4.x works fine for all users.

Why is my browser prompting to save JNLP files?

Your browser may not be set up to launch Java Web Start for JNLP mime types. Java Web Start is
probably not installed or configured properly (see the “How can I manually configure my browser for
Java Web Start?” section on page 36-6).

Why do I get a “Java Web Start not detected” error?

If you installed Java Web Start but still see an error message (in red) saying "Java Web Start not
detected..." on the switch home page, it could be a simple JavaScript error. We try to detect a Java Web
Start installation by running some JavaScript code tested for Internet Explorer and Mozilla (newer
versions). On some browsers (for example, Netscape 6.0, Opera) this code does not work properly
although the links still work.
First, try clicking on the install links.
If that does not work, check to see if the browser helper applications settings are correct (for
example, for Netscape 6.0 Edit > Preferences > Navigator > Helper Applications). See the “How
can I manually configure my browser for Java Web Start?” section on page 36-6.