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Cisco MDS 9000 Family Fabric Manager Configuration Guide
OL-6965-03, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 2.x
Storage Services Module. See SSM
ST ports 18-1, 18-4
supervisor and switching modules in Device Manager 4-7
syslog. See system messages
syslog server
configuring 32-8
verifying 32-9
system images
description 10-1
SYSTEM variable 10-1
system messages
configuring a syslog server 32-8
configuring logging 32-7
description 32-4
enabling for a feature (procedure) 32-8
facilities and severity levels 32-4
severity levels for console session 32-7
viewing from Device Manager 32-9
viewing from Fabric Manager Web Services 32-9
adding a server (procedure) 27-9
description 27-8
supported servers 27-10
TCP connections
FCIP profiles 19-8
specifiying 19-14
TCP ports recognized in ACLs 28-3
Telnet 25-6
TE ports
classes of service 18-3
fctrace 24-2
interface modes 18-1
interoperability 24-5
recovering from isolation 15-17
Threshold Manager 34-13
TL ports
classes of service 18-3
interface modes 18-1
topology map
customizations 32-2
description 32-1
enclosures 32-2
mapping multiple fabrics 32-3
saving custom layout (procedure) 32-2
interoperability 24-5
ranges 24-1
Traffic Analyzer. See Cisco Traffic Analyzer
transit VSANs
configuration guidelines 16-5
description 16-3, 16-11
analyzing switch health 35-3
analyzing zone merge 35-13
Cisco Fabric Analyzer 35-7
locating other switches 35-15
loopback tests 35-4
monitoring oversubscription 35-16
show tech support 35-14
system messages 32-4
testing end-to-end connectivity 35-6
tools 35-1
using Fabric Configuration tool (procedure) 35-5
using ping 35-12
using traceroute (procedure) 35-13
with protocol analyzer 35-3
with Traffic Analyzer 35-2
trunking interoperability 24-5
UDP ports in ACLs 28-3
uninstalling management software 1-13
uninstalling permanent licenses 9-11
updating licenses 9-12