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Cisco MDS 9000 Family Fabric Manager Configuration Guide
OL-6965-03, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 2.x
Chapter 36 Management Software Troubleshooting
Light Gray Square Port is not manageable.
Red Cross HardwareFailure/LoopbackDiagFailure/LinkFail
Red Square Any other kind of configuration failure.
No Square or Black Square Port not yet configured.
Table 36-2 Device Manager Tooltip Definitions
Tooltip Definition
adminDown The port is administratively down.
bitErrRTThresExceeded Bit error rate too high.
bundleMisCfg Misconfiguration in PortChannel membership
channelAdminDown This port is a member of a PortChannel and that
PortChannel is administratively down.
channelConfigurationInProgress This port is undergoing a PortChannel
channelOperSuspended This port is a member of a PortChannel and its
operational parameters are incompatible with the
PortChannel parameters.
deniedDueToPortBinding Suspended due to port binding.
domainAddrAssignFailureIsolation The elected principal switch is not capable of
performing domain address manager functions so
no Nx_port traffic can be forwarded across
switches, hence all Interconnect_Ports in the
switch are isolated.
domainInvalidRCFReceived Invalid RCF received.
domainManagerDisabled Domain manager is disabled.
domainMaxReTxFailure Domain manager failure after maximum retries.
domainOtherSideEportIsolation The peer E port is isolated.
domainOverlapIsolation There is a overlap in domains while attempting to
connect two existing fabrics.
elpFailureClassFParamErr Isolated for ELP failure due to class F parameter
elpFailureClassNParamErr Isolated for ELP failure due to class N parameter
elpFailureInvalidFlowCTLParam Isolated for ELP failure due to invalid flow
control parameter.
elpFailureInvalidPayloadSize Isolated for ELP failure due to invalid payload
elpFailureInvalidPortName Isolated for ELP failure due to invalid port name.
Table 36-1 Fabric Manager and Device Manager Color Definitions (continued)
Fabric Manager Color Definition