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Cisco MDS 9000 Family Fabric Manager Configuration Guide
OL-6965-03, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 2.x
Chapter 36 Management Software Troubleshooting
elpFailureInvalidSwitchName Isolated for ELP failure due to invalid switch
elpFailureInvalidTxBBCredit Isolated for ELP failure due to invalid transmit
B2B credit.
elpFailureIsolation During a port initialization the prospective
Interconnect_Ports find incompatible link
elpFailureLoopbackDetected Isolated for ELP failure due to loopback detected.
elpFailureRatovEdtovMismatch Isolated for ELP failure due to R_A_TOV or
E_D_TOV mismatch.
elpFailureRevMismatch Isolated for ELP failure due to revision mismatch.
elpFailureUnknownFlowCTLCode Isolated for ELP failure due to invalid flow
control code.
ePortProhibited Port down because FICON prohibit mask in place
for E/TE port.
eppFailure Trunk negotiation protocol failure after maximum
errorDisabled The port is not operational due to some error
conditions that require administrative attention.
escFailureIsolation During a port initialization the prospective
Interconnect_Ports are unable to proceed with
initialization as a result of Exchange Switch
Capabilities (ESC).
fabricBindingDBMismatch fabric bindingactive database mismatch with
fabricBindingDomainInvalid Peer domain ID is invalid in fabric binding active
fabricBindingNoRspFromPeer Fabric binding no response from peer.
fabricBindingSWWNNotFound Peer switch WWN not found in fabric binding
active database.
fcipPortAdminCfgChange FCIP port went down due to configuration
fcipPortKeepAliveTimerExpire FCIP port went down due to TCP keep alive timer
fcipPortMaxReTx FCIP port went down due to max TCP
retransmissions reached the configured limit.
fcipPortPersistTimerExpire FCIP port went down due to TCP persist timer
fcipPortSrcAdminDown FCIP port went down because the source ethernet
link was administratively shutdown.
fcipPortSrcLinkDown FCIP port went down due to ethernet link down.
Table 36-2 Device Manager Tooltip Definitions (continued)
Tooltip Definition