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Cisco MDS 9000 Family Fabric Manager Configuration Guide
OL-6965-03, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 2.x
Chapter 3 Fabric Manager Client
Setting Fabric Manager Preferences

Detachable Tables

Fabric Manager Release 2.0(2b) introduced detachable tables in Fabric Manager. You can, for example,
detach tables and move them to different areas on your desktop so you can compare similar tables from
different VSANs. Or, you can keep informational tables open from one view while you examine a
different area in Fabric Manager. To detach tables, click the Detach Table icon in the Information pane
in Fabric Manager.

Setting Fabric Manager Preferences

To set your preferences for the behavior of the Fabric Manager, choose File > Preferences from the
Fabric Manager menu bar. You see the Preferences dialog box with the following tabs for setting
different components of the application:.
The default General preferences for Fabric Manager are:
Show Switch Name by—Displays the switches in the Fabric pane by IP address, DNS name, or
logical name. The default setting for this value is Logical Name.
Show WorldWideName (WWN) Vendor—This displays the world wide name vendor name in any
tables or listings displayed by Fabric Manager. If Prepend Name is checked, the name is displayed
in front of the IP Address of the switch. If Replacing Vendor Bytes is checked, the name is
displayed instead of the IP address. The default setting is enabled (checked) with the Prepend Name
Show End Device Using—Displays end devices in the Fabric pane using alias or pWWN alias. The
default setting for this value is Alias.
Append Enclosures to End Device Names—The default setting for this value is OFF.
Show Shortened iSCSI Names—The default setting for this value is OFF.
Show Timestamps as Date/Time—Displays timestamps in the date/time format. If this preference is
not checked, timestamps are displayed as elapsed time. The default setting is enabled (checked).
Telnet Path—The path for the telnet.exe file on your system. The default is telnet.exe, but you will
need to browse for the correct location.
Note If you browse for a path or enter a path and you have a space in the pathname (for example,
c:\program files\telnet.exe), then the path will not work. To get the path to work, you must
manually place quotes around it (for example, "c:\program files\telnet.exe").
Use Secure Shell instead of Telnet—Specifies whether to use SSH or Telnet when using the CLI to
communicate with the switch. If enabled, you must specify the path to your SSH application. The
default setting is disabled.
Confirm Deletion—Displays a confirmation pop-up when you delete part of your configuration
using Fabric Manager. The default setting is enabled (checked).
Export Tables with Format—Specifies the type of file that is created when you export a table using
Device Manager. The options are tab-delimited or XML. The default setting is Tab-Delimited.