VHF Marine Radio Protocols
VHF Marine
Channel Assignments
Channel Use
63Public Correspondence (Marine Operator), Port Operations, Ship Movement
63A Port Operations and Commercial, VTS in selected areas
64Public Correspondence (Marine Operator), Port Operations, Ship Movement
64A U.S. (Government Only); Canada (Commercial Fishing)
65Public Correspondence (Marine Operator), Port Operations, Ship Movement
65A Port Operations
66Public Correspondence (Marine Operator), Port Operations, Ship Movement
66A Port Operations
67U.S. (Commercial). Used for
68Non-Commercial (Recreational)
70Digital Selective Calling (Voice communications not allowed)
71U.S. and Canada
72Non-Commercial (Intership Only)
73U.S. (Port Operations); Canada (Commercial Fishing Only); International (Intership, Port Operations, Ship Movement)
74U.S. (Port Operations); Canada (Commercial Fishing Only); International (Intership, Port Operations, Ship Movement)
75Port Operations (Intership Only)
76Port Operations (Intership Only)
77Port Operations (Intership only). Restricted to communications with pilots for movement and docking of ships.
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