ÂÂ Uploading Videos to
Share your videos with family, friends, or the world with the YouTube web service. The CAM5000 comes with the Arscoft Upload to YouTube application that makes sharing your videos easy and convenient.
The Upload to YouTube application is installed on the camcorder and will start automatically when you connect it to a computer.
To upload videos to YouTube, you must have a val- id YouTube account. To sign up for a free account, please visit http://www.youtube.com.
To use the Upload to Youtube application, Micro- soft Windows Vista, 2000, or XP Service Pack 2 is required.
Provide your YouTube username and password credentials. You will have the option to save these credentials; once saved, you will not have to enter them again.
Click the folder to add a video file to your collection. Click on a video to select it for uploading.
Describe the video you are uploading (Title, Description, Video Category, and Tags are required).
Preview the selected video.
Click the Upload button to upload the selected video to YouTube.
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