Chapter 1
Thank you for purchasing the Info ImageReader Express Scanner. This product is the result of our efforts to develop high technology computer peripherals that are easy to use, affordably priced, and that enhance your computing experience.
Using this manual
Thismanualincludescompleteinstructionsforscannerinstallation, use, and maintenance. Note that “use,” in this context, refers to scanner operation independent of the task performed with the application software. This guide is organized in a “do as you read” format. For best results, perform the tasks as they are presented.
This manual assumes that you have a basic understanding of the DOS and Windows operating system. As a convention, this guide presents all references to guide names or sections in italics, and commands you must type at a command line are presented in a different typeface.
Ifyouexperiencedifficultiesandcannotfindsolutionswithinthis guide, please contact Info’s Technical Support Department at (800)
What is TWAIN?
TWAIN is the interface that links the scanner with scanning software applications. TWAIN is an industry standard that enables you to use the ImageReader with any