CHAPTER 6 - RAID Controller
SPI-8450-LLVA 41
6.1.3 Creating a Security Array With An Existing Data Drive
NOTE: Raid controller permits only two drives to be used for a single Mirrored array in Auto
You would use this method if you wish to use a drive that already contains data and/or is the
bootable system drive in your system. You will need another drive of identical or larger storage
Follow these steps:
1. Using the Spacebar, choose “Security” under the Optimize Array for section.
2. Press <Ctrl-Y> keys to Save your selection. The window below will appear.
Do you want the disk image to be duplicated to another? (Yes/No)
Y - Create and Duplicate
N - Create Only
3. Press “Y” for the Create and Duplicate option. The window below will appear asking you
to select the Source drive to use. FastBuild will copy all data from the Source drive to the
Target drive. Source Disk
Channel:ID Drive Model Capacity (MB)
Target Disk
Channel:ID Drive Model Capacity (MB)
[Please Select A Source Disk]
Channel:ID Drive Model Capacity (MB)
1 :Master QUANTUMCR8.4A 8063
2 :Master QUANTUMCR8.4A 8063
[↑] Up [↓] [ESC] Exit [Ctrl-Y] Save
4. Use the arrow keys to choose which drive contains the existing data to be copied.
5. Press [Ctrl-Y] keys to Save selection and start duplication. The following progress screen
will appear.
Start to duplicate the image . . .
Do you want to continue? (Yes/No)
Y – Continue N – Abort
6. Select “Y” to continue. If you choose “N”, you will be returned to step 1.
7. Once complete, the following screen will appear confirming that your Security array has
been created. Press any key to reboot the system
Array has been created.
<Press Any Key to Reboot>
8. Proceed to the Installing Driver on your operating system.