CHAPTER 6 - RAID Controller
44 SPI-8450-LLVA
6.2.3 Creating Arrays Automatically
The Auto Setup <1> selection from the Main Menu can intuitively help create your disk array. It
will assign all available drives appropriate for the disk array you are creating. After making all
selections, use Ctrl-Y to save selections. FastBuild will automatically build the array.
FastBuild (tm) Utility 1.xx © 1996-2001 Promise Technology, Inc.
[Auto Setup Options Menu]
Optimize Array for: Performance
Typical Application to use: DESKTOP
[ Auto Setup Configuration ]
Spare Drive …………………………….0
Drive(s) Used in Array…………………2
Array Disk Capacity (size in MB)…….16126
[ Keys Available ]
[↑] Up [↓] Down [←, , Space] Change Option [ESC] Exit [CTRL-Y] Save
Optimize Array for:
Select whether you want Performance (RAID 0), Security (RAID 1) under the “Optimize Array
for” setting.
Performance (RAID 0 Striping)
Supports the maximum performance. The storage capacity equals the number of drives
times the capacity of the smallest drive in the disk array.
NOTE: Raid controller permits striped arrays using 1, 2 drive attached in Auto Setup mode.
Security (RAID 1 Mirroring)
Creates a mirrored (or fault tolerant) array for data security.
NOTE: Under the Security setting, Raid controller permits two drives to be used for a single
Mirrored array only.