CHAPTER 6 - RAID Controller
SPI-8450-LLVA 67
Selecting Notification Options
This section of the Options windows allows users to select how they are notified of a system
event. A System Event includes driver-initiated Rebuilds (automatic rebuild using a “hot” spare
standby drive), user-initiated manual Rebuilds or manual Synchronization, and Error-Handling
reporting for these processes.
Enable audible prompt checkbox turns on/off an audible alarm of an event (typically a drive
failure, or completion of rebuild or synchronization).
Popup message box checkbox turns on/off the appearance of an event message box that would
typically indicates a drive failure, or completion of rebuild or synchronization.
Use log file checkbox allows writing operating event logs of the array activity (alerts and status
reports) to a given file name and directory. If a file name is used but the path left blank,
the default directory is the same as the FastCheck™ Utility (typically C:\Program
Use NT system event log checkbox is greyed out under Windows 95/98/2000/XP
automatically. Under Windows NT4, it permits user to write array logging to NT’s
own event log.
To view FastCheck events under Windows NT, go to Start/Programs/Adminstrative
Tools/Event Viewer.
In the Event Viewer, choose “Log” from the menu bar, then check “Application.”
Any events generated by FastCheck™ will appear under the Source column as
On Errors section offers four radio button choices for the user to select what procedure they
would like to perform if an Error is detected during automatic/manual Rebuilds or
manual Synchronization. There are three types of errors that FastTrak100-Lite
detects -- a data mismatch between the primary and secondary drive, a physical
media error on source or target drive, or a total disk failure. The options for handling
Errors are as follows:
Abort: stops any Synchronization or Rebuild process if an error is encountered.
Fix: in most cases, FastTrak100-Lite automatically can correct errors. The method
of correction varies depending on the type of error.
Ignore: FastTrak100-Lite will log the event error and continue the rebuild or
synchronization process. Use this setting if you want to detect the presence of errors,
but do not want to fix these errors at the time. The user may then decide what to do
about the error(s) detected.