CHAPTER 6 - RAID Controller
SPI-8450-LLVA 59
Offline: This would appear most commonly within a RAID 0. The “Offline” results from
a drive having failed which has taken the entire array “offline.” In this case, you
have likely lost data. Fix/replace the drive that has failed, then restore data from a
backup source.
Viewing Arrayed Drive Information
By left-clicking on a drive member of an array in the left pane, the right pane shows the
following information categories for that drive:
Status: (also shown under the Array Window) can be Functional, Critical, or Offline.
The meanings are shown below.
Functional: Means the drive is working normally
Critical: A problem has been detected in the drive and the drive taken offline as part of
a mirroring array. Mirrored arrays will continue to function without the drive.
Fix/replace the drive that has failed, then restore data from a backup source.
Offline: Drives that are NOT identified as “bad” may be taken offline if part of a
Striping or Spanning array containing a “bad” drive. These drives do NOT
need to be replaced, however.
S.M.A.R.T. Status: Indicates whether attached hard drive implements Self-Monitoring
Analysis & Reporting Technology to predict drive failure
Size: Indicates capacity of individual drive
Location: Shows physical location of drive. Indicates on which IDE channel (1 or 2),
and whether drive is Master or Slave on cable. This allows user to identify
drives for removal/replacement.
Mapping: Indicates physical parameters of drive (cylinders, heads, sectors)
Timing: Shows selection of drive timing (directly related to burst speed) based on type
of drive and cable used.