CHAPTER 6 - RAID Controller
48 SPI-8450-LLVA
FastBuild (tm) Utility 1.xx (c) 1996-2001 Promise Technology, Inc.
[ Rebuild Array Menu ]
Array No RAID Mode Total Drv Capacity(MB) Status
Array 1 Mirror 2 16126 Critical
Array 2 —— —— —— ——
Array 3 —— —— —— ——
Array 4 —— —— —— ——
[ Keys Available ]
[↑] Up [↓] Down [ESC] Exit [Enter] Select
9. Highlight the array whose Status is Critical.
10. Press [Enter]. The following screen will then appear.
FastBuild (tm) Utility 1.xx (c) 1996-2001 Promise Technology, Inc.
[ Rebuild Array Menu ]
Array No RAID Mode Total Drv Status
Array 2 Mirror 2 Critical
Stripe Block: Not Available
[ Select Drive for Rebuild ]
Channel:ID Drive Model Capacity (MB)
1 : Slave QUANTUMCR8.4A 8063
[ Keys Available ]
[↑] Up [↓] Down [ESC] Exit [Enter] Select
11. Under [Select Drive for Rebuild], highlight the replacement drive.
12. Press [Enter] and confirm that the data will be copied on to the selected drive. All data on
the replacement drive will be written over with mirrored information from the array drive.
A progress bar will appear as below.
Please Wait While Duplicating The Image
10% Complete
13. Once the rebuild process is complete, the user will be asked to reboot the system.