channel muting features
The HPW™ is equipped with an 8-Scene muting system. An input channel can be
assigned to any of the 8 available groups (1 thru 8). When a Mute Scene preset (located
in the Master module) is active, all channels assigned to that scene are muted. In addition,
the local channel mute switch can be used to change the status of the channel indepen-
dently of any of the scenes. Remember, a channel that has been assigned to a mute
scene, but independently “muted or unmuted,” remains in the assigned group and will
continue to react to any commands given to that scene.
mute (local mute) - Pressing this switch will mute the output of the channel to
any of the assigned buses and any Aux sends. Pressing it when the channel is muted will
unmute the channel.
mute led - The associated red-LED illuminates when the channel is muted either by
its local mute switch, or when part of an active Mute Scene.
channel fader
The channel is fitted with a high-quality, 100mm fader. Normal mixing range is around
the “0” mark, with up to 10dB fader-boost available when needed. All Post-fader feeds
from the channel are controlled by this fader (Post Aux sends and Bus assignments).
channel monitoring features
The channel is equipped with a bicolor LED that displays the channel’s Pre-fader signal
level with varying intensity green illumination, and also indicates impending channel over-
load (within 3dB of clipping) by turning red. Channel clipping is sensed both pre- and
post-fader, so that preamp or EQ related problems are still indicated even when the fader
is down.
A PFL (Pre-Fader Listen) switch allows the operator to monitor the channel’s signal in
the console’s Solo system. When depressed, the channel’s pre-fader signal is sent to the
console’s Solo system (see Master section for details on the Solo system functions).
PK/Sig LED - Pre-Fader signal is shown as varying GREEN intensity. Channel clip
warning displays RED.
PFL - When this switch is depressed, the channel’s pre-fader signal is sent to the con-
sole’s Solo system. The channel LED illuminates RED to indicate that the PFL is active.
The Solo meters then indicate the channel’s PFL level.
Channel-LED status
flickering green - low signal level in the channel
steady green - good signal levels within the channel
green with flickering red - good signal levels with occasional peaks
steady red - PFL selected
p. 17
mono input 3
The signal present circuitry is sensed at the top of the channel fader, so it sees the audio path, which runs from the preamp, into the lo-cut
filter, through the insert jack and finally through the EQ. The signal path has to be intact through all these stages for the green LED to illuminate.
Any gain changes or audio processing affects the signal-present LED. Also, since the PFL feed is taken from this same, pre-fader point, the Solo
meters and Solo headphones will monitor this overall channel signal.