Electrical Specifications
This section presents the DC and AC electrical specifications of the CY7C64215 enCoRe III. For the most up to date electrical specifications, confirm that you have the most recent data sheet by going to the web at http://www.cypress.com.
Specifications are valid for 0°C < TA < 70°C and TJ < 100°C, except where noted. Specifications for devices running at greater than 12 MHz are valid for 0°C < TA < 70°C and TJ < 82°C.
Figure 5. Voltage versus CPU Frequency
Vdd Voltage (V)
Valid operating region
Valid operating region
Valid operating region
93kHz | 12MHz | 24MHz |
| CPU Frequency |
The following table lists the units of measure that are used in this section.
Table 5. Units of Measure |
| |
Symbol | Unit of Measure | Symbol | Unit of Measure |
°C | degree Celsius | μW | microwatts |
dB | decibels | mA | milliampere |
fF | femto farad | ms | millisecond |
Hz | hertz | mV | millivolts |
KB | 1024 bytes | nA | nanoampere |
Kbit | 1024 bits | ns | nanosecond |
kHz | kilohertz | nV | nanovolts |
kΩ | kilohm | W | ohm |
MHz | megahertz | pA | picoampere |
MΩ | megaohm | pF | picofarad |
μA | microampere | pp | |
μF | microfarad | ppm | parts per million |
μH | microhenry | ps | picosecond |
μs | microsecond | sps | samples per second |
1. This is a valid operating region for the CPU, but USB hardware is
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