DSL-524T ADSL Router Manual
Static IP Address
Selecting this option in the WAN Settings will change your screen to look like the one seen below. A Static IP address is used whenever a known static IP is assigned. The accompanying information such as the Subnet mask, ISP Gateway Address and DNS servers should also be specified in order to be able to connect. These are the servers would enable you to have access to other web servers. Valid IP addresses range from to All information to be entered in this window must be provided to you by your ISP.
Figure 4- 3. WAN Settings window for Static IP Address
This window holds the following fields for the user to configure.
Connection Type
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Gateway Address
This field allows the user to choose the connection type used to connect your router to your ISP. The user may choose between 1483 Bridged IP LLC, 1483 Bridged IP
Enter the IP address based on the information provided to you by your ISP.
Enter the Subnet Mask based on the information provided to you by your ISP.
Enter the Default Gateway based on the information provided to you by your ISP.