Setup Mode
2. Press and release 2ND and press UNITS once.
The units used to display rain data toggle between 2ND GRAPH inches and millimeters each time you repeat this key
To Display Rain in Metric Units in WeatherLink
Refer to WeatherLink online help for instructions to set the rain collector to 0.2 mm and to select millimeters as the unit for rain.
Screen 13: Rain Season
Because rainy seasons begin and end at different times in different parts of the world, you must specify the month you wish your yearly rain data to
begin. January 1st is the default. The date the rain season begins affects yearly rain rate highs and lows.
Screen 13: Rain Season
1.Press the up and down arrows to select the month for the start of the rainy season.
2.Press DONE to move to the next screen.
Note: | This setting determines when the yearly rain total is reset to zero. Davis Instruments |
| recommends a January rain season setting (the default), unless you reside in the |
| west coast of the United States, the Mediterranean coast, experience dry winters in |
| the Southern Hemisphere, or or are performing hydrology studies in any of these cli- |
| mates. If so, change the rain season setting to July 1st. |
| Screen 14: Serial Baud Rate |
| The Baud Rate screen displays if the console detects that a WeatherLink |
| data logger installed on the console. |
| The console uses a serial or USB port to communicate with a computer. If |
| you are connecting the console directly to your computer, leave the setting |
| at 19200, the highest rate for the port. If you’re using a modem, use the |
| highest setting your modem can handle. The console must be equipped |
| with a WeatherLink data logger to communicate with a computer. |