
Table 3-8 lists the two types of startup messages.

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POST messages

Immediately after you power on the filer.

Boot messages

When the filer is loading the operating system.




When you turn on the power, the filer checks the hardware on the system board by running a series of POST tests from a PROM (Programmable Read-Only Memory).

The following list is a sample of messages that appear on the system console when the POST tests are running. The exact messages that appear on your system console depend on your system configuration.

Alpha Open Firmware by FirmWorks

Copyright 1995-1998 FirmWorks, Network Appliance. All Rights Reserved.

Firmware release 2.0_a2

Memory size is 512 MB

Testing SIO

Testing LCD

Probing devices

Testing 512MB


Finding image...


If you do not have a system console connected to the filer, you can observe the POST messages on the LCD.

3-10 Dell PowerVault 720N, 740N, and 760N Installation and Troubleshooting Guide

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