Configuring Outbound PPP Connections: Command Line

This section describes how to configure outbound PPP connections. Use it to configure outbound only connections or to configure the outbound portion of bidirectional connections.

Note: CHAP authentication works between two Digi devices. CHAP will be negotiated to PAP for all other connections


1.To configure the port for a modem, enter the following command: set ports range=range dev=device

where range is the port or ports and device is one of the following:

mout for outbound only modem connections

mio for bidirectional modem connections.

See the set ports command in the Digi One/PortServer TS Command Reference for more infor- mation.

Example: set ports range=3 device=mout

2.To configure flow control for the ports, enter the following command: set flow range=range flow-control=scheme

where range is the port or ports and flow-control=schemeis the flow control required for this connection. Typically, for modem connections RTS and CTS are on.

Example: set flow range=3 ixon=off ixoff=off rts=on cts=on

See the set flow command in the Digi One/PortServer TS Command Reference for more infor- mation.

3.To configure baud rate for this connection to the modem, enter the following command: set line range=range baud=bps

where range is the port or ports to configure and bps is the line speed in bits-per-second. Typi- cally, you can set this to 115000 bps for modem connections.

Example: set line range=3 baud=115000

4.If you do not want to use the Digi-supplied dialer script (genmdm) and login script (loginscript), which work for most applications, use the set script command to create your own scripts.

See the set script command in the Digi One/PortServer TS Command Reference for more infor- mation.

5.If you do not want to use the Digi-supplied outbound device (gendialer), which works for most applications, enter the following command:

set device name=name ports=ports dialer=name where

name=name is the name for this device

ports are the ports to associate with this device

dialer=name is the name of a dialer script, either the Digi-supplied script or a user-created one

6.To create a PPP user, enter the following command: set user name=name protocol=ppp where name is the name of the PPP user

Exam ple

set user name=pppout protocol=ppp

7.To configure this user for outbound connections, enter the following command:

Configuring PPP


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Digi TS 2/4, TS 4 manual Configuring Outbound PPP Connections Command Line