DolbyRemote Installation and Operation
Chapter 3
Disk Files
3.1Saving and Restoring Configurations
DolbyRemote can save the configuration of the active device so that it can easily be recalled later. The file extension for these configurations is .dby and can only be read with DolbyRemote. Configurations can be transferred between different devices of the same type, without complication, using this function.
Configurations saved by one encoder type (DP561/7/9) can be opened by a different encoder (DP561/7/9) as long as the configuration contained within the file is valid for both devices. It is advisable, however, to confirm unit parameters when transferring files in this way, as each different encoder type has some unit specific commands. The DolbyRemote file format is different from the Ac3Enc (original DP561 remote) file format, so these files may not be opened in the DolbyRemote application.
Configuration files can be opened or saved from the File menu, or from buttons on the Tool Bar.
Open Configuration File
This restores the configuration of the saved file into the current device.
Save Configuration File
This saves the current device configuration to a file.
3.2Exporting Configurations
Export file gives two different options for saving the current configuration as a file that can be read and printed outside of the remote software. It is not possible to use these file types to configure a unit. You may export the current settings in either a text file or an HTML file. You should be able to view and print the HTML file with any standard web browser.