DolbyRemote Installation and Operation

Dolby Laboratories Inc

Corporate Headquarters

Dolby Laboratories Inc

100 Potrero Avenue

San Francisco, CA 94103-4813

Telephone 415-558-0200

Facsimile 415-863-1373

European Licensing Liaison Office

Dolby Laboratories

Wootton Bassett

Wiltshire, SN4 8QJ, England

Telephone (44) 1793-842100

Facsimile (44) 1793-842101

Far East

Dolby Laboratories International Services, Inc.

Japan Branch

Fuji Chuo Building 6F

2-1-7, Shintomi, Chuo-ku

Tokyo 104-0041 Japan

Telephone (81) 3-5542-6160

Facsimile (81) 3-5542-6158

Dolby Laboratories Representative Office 7/Fl., Hai Xing Plaza, Unit H

1 Rui Jin Road (S)

Shanghai 200023 China

Telephone (86) 21-6418-1015

Facsimile (86) 21-6418-1013

LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: It is understood and agreed that Dolby Laboratories’ liability whether in contract, in tort, under any war-ranty, in negligence or otherwise shall not exceed the cost of replacement of the defective software and under no circumstances shall Dolby Laboratories be liable for incidental, special, direct, indirect or consequential damages (including but not limited to damage to software or recorded audio or visual material), or loss of use, revenue or profit even if Dolby Laboratories or its agents have been advised, orally or in writing, of the possibility of such damages.

Dolby, DolbyRemote, Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby Digital Surround EX, AC-3 and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.

Windows 95 and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

1999 Dolby Laboratories Inc. All rights reserved. P/N 91659 Issue 1 S99/12613


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Dolby Laboratories P/N 91659 Dolby Laboratories Inc, Corporate Headquarters, European Licensing Liaison Office, Far East