3-5-2-2 Special Applications
Some applications require more than one connection a time; these
applications won’t work with simple NAT rules. In order to make these
applications work, you can use this function to let these applications
Here are descriptions of every setup items:
Item Name Description
Enable Check this box to enable support for special
applications, and uncheck this box to disable
this support.
IP Address Input the IP address of the computer which is
going to use the special application.
Computer name All computer names found by this broadband
router on local network will be listed here. You
can select the computer name and click ‘<<’
button to add selected computer’s IP address to
‘IP Address’ field.
Please note that this list may not be able to list
all computers on your local network.
TCP Port to Open Input the TCP port number required by the
special application, the port number can be a