Using the internal sound generator
■Part parameters (Native mode)
In addition to the Part parameters described in the preceding pages, Native mode also allows you to adjust the following parameters.
Rx Channel (Receive channel)
This specifies the MIDI channel that is assigned to the part. If this is turned OFF for a part, all MIDI messages other than system exclusive messages will be ignored by that part, meaning that it will not sound.
Legato SW [CC#68] | ON/OFF, (PATCH: Native mode only) |
Turn this ON when you want to use legato, and OFF if you do not. Legato is a function that is valid when MONO mode is selected for the part. If Legato is ON, pressing a note while the previous note is still held down will cause the sound to be maintained while it shifts to the pitch of the newly pressed note. This lets you simulate performance techniques such as the
Part Velocity Sens Offset (Part Velocity Sensitivity Offset)
This adjusts the degree to which playing dynamics will affect the volume and cutoff frequency.
Part Keyboard Fade Width Lower |
This specifies how the volume will change when you play notes that are outside the lower limit of the part’s key range. With higher settings of this parameter, the volume will decrease gradually. If you want there to be no sound at all when you play below the specified key range, set this to 0.
Part Keyboard Range Lower |
Specifies the lowest note of the keyboard range for the part.
Part Keyboard Range Upper |
Specifies the highest note of the keyboard range for the part.
Part Keyboard Fade Width Upper |
This specifies how the volume will change when you play notes that are outside the upper limit of the part’s key range. With higher settings of this parameter, the volume will decrease gradually. If you want there to be no sound at all when you play above the specified key range, set this to 0.
* It is not possible to set the Lower Range above the
Level | Note number |
Upper Range, nor the Upper Range below the |
Lower. If you attempt to do so, the Lower and |
Upper values will change together. |
0 | Lower | Upper | 127 |
| L.Fade value | U.Fade value |
internal the Using generator sound