Controlling the SD-80 via MIDI

<Example> Editing the MFX of part 3

If MFX type=18:Mod Delay is applied to the sound of part 3 and you want to change its DLY Right setting (parameter number 02) to 80 (=50H), transmit the following system exclusive data.

1.F0 41 10 00 48 12 11 40 06 15 08 00 05 00 07 F7

When MFX source = COMMON

When MFX source = COMMON, transmit the following system exclusive data.

F0 41 10 00 48 12 [10 00 r1 r2] [d1 d2 d3 d4] [ss] F7

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)(6)(7)(8) (9)

Address (p1 p2): when editing MFX A’s parameter number 1 =06 11 (for MFX B =08 11, for MFX C =0A



when editing MFX A’s parameter number 2 =06 15


when editing MFX A’s parameter number 3 =06 19


: (the address will increment by 04H each time the parameter number increases by 1)

when editing MFX A’s parameter number 29 =07 01 (for MFX B =09 11, for MFX C =0B



when editing MFX A’s parameter number 30 =07 05


when editing MFX A’s parameter number 31 =07 09


when editing MFX A’s parameter number 32 =07 0D




(d1, d2, d3, d4): Effect parameter


The lower 4 bits of the four data bytes indicate a signed numerical value. For details on the data byte expression, refer to "Data byte expression" (p. 67).

Checksum (ss): For details on the calculation method, refer to the section “How to calculate the checksum” within “MIDI Implementation” (MIDIImp_E.pdf) on the included CD- ROM.

<Example> Editing MFX C COMMON

If MFX C COMMON is set to MFX type=53:Od2, and you want to change its EQ Low Gain (parameter number 05) to -3 dB, transmit the following system exclusive data.

1.F0 41 10 00 48 12 10 00 0A 21 07 0F 0F 0D 13 F7