Controlling the SD-80 via MIDI

Editing the MFX effect parameters

You can edit effect parameters such as equalizer gain and frequency, delay time, and feedback level.

*The MFX effect parameters will sometimes be included in the sound parameters (PART), and sometimes be outside the sound (COMMON). The address will differ depending on which of these is being referenced, as specified by “MFX source.”

When MFX source = PART

When MFX source = PART (i.e., when editing the MFX of an enhanced sound), transmit the following

system exclusive data.

F0 41 10 00 48 12 [p1 p2 r1 r2] [d1 d2 d3 d4] [ss] F7










Address (p1 p2): when editing the insertion effect for part 1 =11 00

when the sound is a drum set =11 10

when editing the insertion effect for part 2 =11 20

when the sound is a drum set =11 30

when editing the insertion effect for part 3 =11 40

when the sound is a drum set =11 50

Address (r1 r2): when editing parameter number 1 =06 11

when editing parameter number 2 =06 15

:(the address will increment 04H each time the parameter number increases by 1) when editing parameter number 29 =07 01

when editing parameter number 30 =07 05 when editing parameter number 31 =07 09 when editing parameter number 32 =07 0D


(d1, d2, d3, d4): Effect parameter

The lower 4 bits of the four data bytes indicate a signed numerical value.

Data byte expression

The value to be specified is first expressed as a 16-bit hexadecimal in which 32768 = 8000H is 0.

Each digit is input in the lower place of each data byte.

Parameter value to be specified

Data bytes



-20000 = 031EH

00 03 01 0E

-19999 = 031FH

00 03 01 0F



-2 = 7FFFH

07 0F 0F 0E

-1 = 7FFFH

07 0F 0F 0F

0 = 8000H

08 00 00 00

1 = 8001H

08 00 00 01

2 = 8002H

08 00 00 02



19999 = CE1FH

0C 0E 01 0F

20000 = CE20H

0C 0E 02 00

Checksum (ss): For details on the calculation method, refer to the section “How to calculate the checksum” within “MIDI Implementation” (MIDIImp_E.pdf) on the included CD- ROM.

the Controlling MIDI via 80-SD