Before you begin
15.Output fade dial (OUTPUT FADE) (see p. 25)
This dial is used to apply
16.Channel A input selector (INPUT SELECT) (see p. 23)
This button selects the image that will be input to channel A of the video mixer.
17.BPM control dial (BPM CONTROL)
This dial adjusts the BPM value. On the
18.Memory dial (MEMORY) (see p. 22)
19.Channel B input selector (INPUT SELECT) (see p. 23)
Selects the image that will be input to channel B of the video mixer.
20.Channel A effect buttons (EFFECTS)
These buttons apply effects to the image of video mixer channel A. With the factory settings, the buttons are assigned (from top to bottom) the Strobe, Negative, Colorize, and Multi effects. You may edit the settings to assign different effects if desired.
21.Channel A effect control dial (CONTROL)
This dial lets you smoothly control a parameter of an effect that is being applied to the image of channel A. The dial will adjust an effect parameter of the effect button that is blinking.
22.Channel A transformer button (TRANSFORMER) (see p. 23)
This button lets you switch between channel A and B without using the video fader. With the factory settings, the switch to the channel A image will be instant. You can also change the settings to make the change occur gradually if desired.
23.Mix button (MIX) (see p. 24)
This button switches the function of the video fader to Mix. When you operate the video fader, you will fade smoothly from the image selected for channel A to the image selected for channel B, dissolving the two images. Press this button if you want to switch between channels A and B with dissolve.
24.Wipe button (WIPE) (see p. 24)
This button switches the function of the video fader to Wipe. Press this button if you want to switch between channels A and B by wiping between them. If desired, you can change the settings to assign an effect other than Wipe to this button.
25.EFX button (EFX)
This button switches the function of the video fader to Special Wipe or Slide. Press this button if you want to switch between channels A and B with Special Wipe or Slide. If desired, you can change the settings to assign an effect other than Special Wipe or Slide to this button.