LAND MOBILE PRODUCT WARRANTY - The manufacturer’s warranty statement for this product is available from your product supplier or from E.F. Johnson Company, 299 Johnson Avenue, Box 1249, Waseca, MN 56093-0514. Phone (507) 835-6222.

Copyright© 2001 by the E.F. Johnson Company

The E.F. Johnson Company, which was founded in 1923, provides wireless communication systems solutions for public safety, govern- ment, and commercial customers. The company designs, manufac- tures, and markets conventional and trunked radio systems, mobile and portable subscriber radios, repeaters, and Project 25 digital radio products.

Viking Head/EFJohnson logo, LTR®, LTR-Net, and Call Guard® are trademarks of the E.F. Johnson Company. All other company and/or product names used in this manual are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective manufacturer.

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EFJohnson 7243 LTR-Net Portable UHF manual