● To set the detection type in the monochrome image display area <Detection Type>
You can set the detection type in the monochrome image display area.
• When the detect ion type is changed, the display area is highlighted for 5 seconds even if <Highlig hted Area> is “Off”.
Adjustable range
Off, Type-1, Type-2, Type-3
1. Choose <Color> from the Adjust ment menu, and press .
2. Choose <Detection Type> from <C olor>, and press .
3. Use or for adjustment.
4. Press to exit.
Detection Type Purpose
Type-1 Selectwhenthelayoutofthecolorandmonochromeimagesonthescr eenis
Type-2 Selectforasimplescreenonwhichthemonochromeim agescanbeidentiedeasily.
Type-3 Selectwhenacolorimagewithacolordif ferenceexistsinthemonochromeimage
● To set the highlight area in the monochrome display area <Highlight Area>
You can set On/Off for the highlight area in the monochrome image display area .
1. Choose <Color> from the Adjust ment menu, and press .
2. Choose <Highlight A rea> from <Color>, and press .
3. Select “On” or “Off ” with or .
4. Press to exit.